What is brow microblading?
Manual microblading is a process that involves tiny, fine-point needles (instead of a tattoo gun) that make up a small disposable blade and handle (picture a very small tool that looks like a rat-tail comb) to scratch and deposit pigment simultaneously under your skin. The result? Realistic-looking brow hairs that don't wash off.
Sooo, is microblading a tattoo?
Yes, but also, no. Unlike tattoos that last forever, microblading is a form of semi-permanent tattooing (keep reading if you wanna know how long it lasts). For microblading, Piret uses a hand tool that lets her create thinner, more precise, hairlike strokes that aren’t as deeply ingrained into the skin (compared to, say, hairlike strokes created by a tattoo gun). The pigment also differs from that of a tattoo because (1) it’s only semi-permanent, which means your body eventually ends up metabolizing it so it fades away, and (2) the dye particles are less concentrated in microblading ink than in the ink of a traditional tattoo.
How long does microblading last?
Microblading usually lasts 1-3 years depending on your skin type (oilier skin types tend to fade the fastest), but, says Piret, clients should go back after four weeks for a touch-up and to check-in to make sure they're happy with the end result (these appointments cost less than the initial price of microblading; more on the $$ below). After those first four weeks you typically won't need a touch-up for 12 months.